Friday, June 4, 2010

"Could Be"

Without a doubt, I was obsessed. After all, one must be to make the journey from “wanna be” to “could be”, the second stage of the cycle. One or two classes during the week and practicing non-stop. Add some running and weight lifting and I was a “very dangerous poison”…. as Mick said to Rocky. I got into the best shape ever. Dropped the weight, lost the body fat (actually saved it for later in my closet!) and picked up some ego along the way. I was a “could be”!

Being a real martial artist, a karateka, was now more then ever in the realm of possibilities. I have never been in this space before. It was almost unthinkable, unimaginable, but there I was. I could taste it. I always missed the brass ring by just …. that much. I never made that big play in High School football. I never won a raffle. You can not respectfully count the electric can opener I won in second grade at a St Barnabas Grade school Christmas fair. Exciting as that was, it didn’t compare to where I was now.

I was on the brink of greatness. The world was my oyster and I was ready!

1 comment:

  1. Joe - I love your writing!!! It's so compelling and easy to read.
